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Now Available

Songs for Apollo

I'm delighted to announce that my new album

Songs for Apollo is ready for preview and digital download.

Songs for Apollo joins my three previous albums,   Meditations, Nocturne and A Dream of Whales, that comprise my Meditations series. They were written and recorded as an aid to meditation practice, for quiet reflection or for just chilling out.

May you have as much pleasure listening to these tracks as I had creating them.

As always I thank you for your support and interest in my music.

I recommend using headphones or quality speakers to get the full fidelity of these movements.


September, 2023

Songs for Apollo...

is my homage to the Greek god Apollo, god of music, poetry, light, prophecy, medicine and more. He is one of twelve gods who reside on Mount Olympus.

This album will introduce you to Apollo, his loves, losses, family and comrades and the magical world he lives in.


Please see the Samples and Downloads page for a link to several short tales that futher illuminate the magical world Apollo inhabits.

I have used my original choral music extensively throughout this album. The choirs come from my own virtual orchestra that I use to compose so much of my music.

The stunning AI cover artwork is by

Mind Maestro


Songs for Apollo

Written and Performed by

Douglas H Brunt

August, 2023

Samples and Downloads

A Dream of Whales is a blend of Humpback Whale songs married to organic and digital instruments. The result is a single 40-minute composition loosely in the style of a classical sonata featuring recorded whale song, synthesizers, orchestra, choirs and solo instruments.

Written and performed by

Douglas H Brunt

January 2023

Samples and Downloads

Nocturne continues in the traditions of Brunt’s first album Meditations.

Nocturne further explores the marriage of synthesizers with the organics of guitar, vocals,  keyboards, Native American Spirit Flutes and Shakuhachi.

Written and performed by

Douglas H Brunt

July 2022

Samples and Downloads

A ten movement suite of haunting ambient music. Featuring guitar, synthesizer, vocals,  keyboards, Native American Spirit flutes and Shakuhachi.

Written and performed by

Douglas H Brunt

January 2022

Samples and Downloads